

Original price was: $139.99.Current price is: $125.00.

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Package includes:
1 Qty Vacuum Breaker (SP1005)
1 Qty Quick Clean Hair Trap (SP1047)
1 Qty Gripper Gel Neckrest (Sp1007)
1 Qty Black Rubber Vacuum Breaker Hose (SP1004)

– All dimensions listed are approximations. Some assembly is required.

Vacuum breaker: Backflow prevention device used to avoid negative pressure in a plumbing system. It allows air to enter the water system if a siphon attempts to form. UPC Certified. Quick Clean Hair Trap: Prevents drain clogging; keeps the loose hair from flowing through the plumbing and eliminates costly plumbing bills. Easy accessibility for cleaning and guards against lost jewelry. Gripper Gel Neckrest: Comfortable gel with suction cups forming a grip to prevent from slipping. Gel neckrest has a necessity for client comfort.


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